
About this blog (what is it for ?)

Japanese fabrics are full of colours, motives and textures. With « Couleurs Japan » (Colours of Japan) I try to enhance them by creating original bags and fashion or decoration  accessories. This blog aims at sharing my inspirations and news on this account.

About me (the genesis of Couleur Japon)

Having probably watched too many Japanese cartoons on TV when I was a kid, my father being an aïkido teacher during his free time and having always been encouraged to be open to the world, I very soon developed a particular taste for Japan. I even had the opportunity to live one year in Japan during my studies 14 years ago. This enabled me to meet wonderful persons and discover more in depth the Japanese culture and traditions, among which traditional clothes and their splendid fabrics.

At the same time, having like many little girls already tried vaguely to sew clothes for my dolls, sewing became a real hobby 16 years ago, when I started sewing costumes. 3 years ago I added to this the sewing of bags and fashion accessories for me or my family and friends.

When my son was born, I was driven to reflect on my personal and professional evolution, and thinking for a long time about creating my very own company, I finally decided to give up a brilliant career in sales and marketing to become what is called a mompreneur. And very naturally I chose to do it by combining my two passions for Japan and couture and to create « Couleurs Japon ».


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